From the Journal of the Overseer, Granite 1st 264
As the new Grand Overseer, I immediately set out to Appraise of our situation. It seems that Markus and Leperfish do not observe the Dwarven Principles of Foundation, being, of course, Defensibility, Efficiency, and Aesthetics, in that order. Rather, they seem to subscribe to the view of Aesthetics, Aesthetics, Aesthetics. Even here, their work are lacking- the paucity of Symmetry tears at the Dwarven heart. I can assure anyone who may be reading this document that my Appraisements are purely objective in nature, and not somehow in retribution for the slurs brought against me by prior overseers, including but not limited to accusations of deception on my part and claims that others were more worthy of the position of Grand Overseer. My Initial Survey, in accordance with Famous Palisade Law, follows:
Upon the surface we have a palisade perforated with doorways through which any enemy of greater than dwarven strength could force entry, and a drawbridge accessible to enemy hordes even when retracted, rather than positioned safely behind a Shaft.

Though the dwarves seem wary of this shooting gallery within our own central entryway, the Principle of Defensibility is evident here, which is a good first step.

Here we find the sleeping quarters, littered with stone. Apparently this sort of design is considered "Modern Aesthetics."

The Central Hall. Although I approve of the hall itself, the adjoining tunnels once again show the influences of "Modern Aesthetics." You may also note the overly optimistic farming project in which six Medium Sized Class B Fields are being worked at once, leading to inefficiency, underproduction of core crops, and overproduction of periphery crops.

The workshops. Once again, Modern Aesthetics rears its ugly head. Worse, the entire area is cluttered with stone, and but a single workshop is located within each large room, leading to Inefficiency.

At last, a project I approve of. This undertaking will provide us not only with a safe source of obsidian, but will secure an entire magma-based smelting and forging industry. Unfortunately, the much-lauded Leperfish may have made a deadly error.

Here we see where the obsidian has been pierced to provide access to the magma. Unfortunately, it seems that Leperfish is unaware of the tendency of magma pipes to rise to their original levels, and has started forging operations on the same level that magma already shares! I fear the forges may be compromised by magma as the tube bubbles back to its original Fullness. I immediately order an Injunction to prevent the workshops from being used until the project is fully surveyed.

Though they are my friends, I find it necessary to investigate our prior Overseers further. Leperfish is cleared, but what I learn about Markus disturbs me.

He worships Mondul the Suicide God! It is clear, then, that he led us here to build a Tomb for our flagging Civilization. The Mondul-worshipers are all the same: focused on the hereafter, always driven toward inflicting their own demise. Everything falls into place. Our "Great Architect" and his coffin-shaped Great Hall. The decision to travel to a location in the very center of enemy territory, surrounded by both foul beasts and hostile tribes. It seems that Markus has been leading us to our deaths from the start. I only hope that my friend's efforts have been purely subconscious in nature. A formal inquiry into his mental state reveals more:

It seems Markus is known for spending most of his time alone, probably contemplating our ultimate end. It is with a heavy heart that I make my decision. Markus is to be stripped of his position as Expedition Leader. As the current Grand Overseer, it falls upon me, by Famous Palisade Law, to take up the position, less there be a power vacuum. It is with a heavy heart that I accept this honor.

I submit my own Inclinations for Evaluation:

I think a follower of Kudust Axematched, the War and Fortress God, has more right to lead this place than the member of a suicide cult.
Thus, I take the Helm as First Praetor of Gemclod.
YeOldeButchere wrote :-

Journal of Yeol Deabo Tcher, Armorer and Weaponsmith
I'm surprised diary. Not only that, but I'm surprised that I'm pleasantly surprised, which is quite unusual in this place. There's been a change in leadership, and the new overseer, despite being part of the bunch of imbeciles who first founded this place, appears to be competent!
Now, it's entirely possible that he's completely clueless. Luck can get you pretty far. But I am cautiously optimistic. He's a worshiper of Kudust Axematched, as every dwarf should be, which is a good start. And from the looks of it he seems to have his priorities straight: getting some actual fortifications up and getting me my magma forge. Oh yeah, I guess I haven't told you diary, but that magma forge I was promised? Still not up and running. The previous overseer had more important things to do, like creating a giant checkers board. Or was it chess? No, that couldn't be, he wouldn't be nearly bright enough to understand that game. So yeah, giant checkers board. As a gift to his friend!
What a waste. Gifts are overrated. Nobody ever gives me any, and that's fine by me.
Oh well, I guess it's back to the coal-powered forge for me! At least maybe now my craft won't be wasted on this fortress. I mean, I'm likely to be the best armorer left in our entire civilization. Perhaps even in all dwarven civilizations. Which would mean the best in the entire world. I don't think it's much to ask that the things I make not be wasted on and by utter morons.